The Forgetting Curve

The Forgetting Curve

Boston Center for the Arts
539 Tremont Street Boston

Known in the scientific community as Patient HM, a young man who underwent an experimental surgery in 1953 in the hopes of curing his epilepsy had his brain tragically altered, leaving him unable to form new memories. With this fascinating real-life case as its source of inspiration, The Forgetting Curve places a fictional neuroscientist named Dr. Laura Nebbens beneath the lens of a theatrical microscope. On the cusp of accepting an illustrious award, Dr. Nebbens -- who has studied the case of Patient HM for decades -- now finds herself struggling with thoughts of all that she's sacrificed in the name of her scientific legacy. With its non-linear storyline, this powerful world premiere questions the cost of the scientific contributions made by both doctor and patient.

Thru - Sep 14, 2014